When the struggle pays off. A short note. The last ten years I invested a lot of my time and energy organizing orchestral projects. This month the leading cultural magazine das Orchester reports on the junge norddeutsche philharmonie (jnp) and STEGREIF.orchester in a large article with heartwarming words for the innovation and impact they had, have and will have. It’s nice to see when the struggle we all had for years is paying off. As a founding member of both organizations and managing director for a few years I’m proud to see articles like that and I congratulate the current managing-teams. Furthermore there is a big cooperation incoming between jnp, stgrf and the DSO-Berlin called trikestra - remember the name ;) The first cooperation concert takes place tomorrow in the Stummfilmkino Delphi. Actually I can’t be there because I’m on vacation with my little daughter Franka - but all of you should come. I’m still working on nice and great projects for the future and you will hear about them soon.